Chair: Professor K. Yfantis

Assistant to the President:  Assocoaiate Professor  K. Koliopoulos



Directors of Academic Divisions

International & European Institutions: Associate Professor M. Meg – Papantoni

International Relations:  Assistant Professor Ch. Karagiannopoulou

International Political Economy: Associate  Professor A. Papastamou



Secretary: Aik. Kiziroglou, Responsibilites: Registrar of the Department, Secretary of the School of Intenational Studies, Communication and Culture.

Administrative staff:

Ε. Tsimitzili,  Tel. (+30) 210 9201389. Responsibilites: Graduate students.

E. Katzouraki, Tel. (+30) 210 9201392. Responsibilites: Undergraduate,  Doctoral students.



The Administrative Bodies of the Department


The Department is governed by the General Assembly, the Board of Governors and the Chair.


The General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) consists of the Department Chair, the faculty members, undergraduate student representatives (equal to 50% of the faculty members), postgraduate student representatives (equal to 15% of the number of faculty members) and scientific collaborators (equal to 5% of the number of the faculty members). The GA determines the educational and research policy of the Department and has the general supervision of its operation.

The General Assembly of Special Composition (GASC) is composed of the Department Chair, the faculty members and two representatives of the postgraduate students. GASC determines the Department’s policy regarding postgraduate studies.


The Governing Board

The Governing Board (GB) consists of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Department, the Directors of the Academic Divisions, two undergraduate student representatives and one postgraduate student representative. The GB is a more flexible administrative body than the GA and is responsible for executing its decisions, as well as continuously monitoring the smooth operation of the Department.


The Chair

The Chair represents the Department and heads its administrative function. S/he calls the General Assembly and Governing Board, draws up the agenda and presides over the work of these bodies. S/he puts forward proposals to the GA and GB, forms committees and monitors the implementation of their decisions.


The Administrative Bodies of the Academic Divisions


– The General Assembly of the Division

The Division is governed by the General Assembly and its Director. The GA consists of the Division’s faculty members, one representative of the non-teaching assistants and scientific collaborators from the Division, one representative of the Postgraduate students and 2-5 undergraduate representatives (according to the number of faculty members in the Division). The GA elects the Director, submits proposals concerning the Curriculum to the Department’s General Assembly, allocates funds from the Division’s budget, makes recommendations over the distribution of teaching workload to its faculty members and over the fields of expertise required in the announcements of new academic openings.


– The Division Director

The Section Director calls the General Assembly, draws up the agenda, presides over the works of the GA and monitors the implementation of its decisions.